Lost in the Screen World
i-Lady is the the new face of the perfect society woman and hostess for any elegant or exciting event. She can be rented for special occasions. She was created to illustrate some of the absurdities of our times. We live in an age in which many people feel more alive and spontaneous communicating and moving about in a screen world, and feeling more at ease expressing themselves via social media and e-mails than in a face to face dialogue with real people.
Initially i-Lady was created for DadaBomb, the opening event for the festival Zurich meets New YorkThe DadaBomb event was directed by Giants are Small and financed and organized by the Swiss consulate, the Polytech Zurich and the University of Zurich.
The idea of the iLady was conceived in collaboration with Miles Pittman
I-Lady wants to sing a Song
A little video segment showing iLady making a welcome speech and singing a Schubert song. This character was created as a reaction to the absurdities of our times, in which most people feel more alive and spontaneous in the screen world, being more at ease expressing themselves via social media and e-mails than in a face to face dialogue with real people.
Dada Bomb Event: WhiteBox Gallery, New York, 2014