Hair and Teeth
Hair and teeth are important attributes of beauty. Hair growing in the wrong places, however, is seen as ridiculous and ugly.
Beauty in our society is strongly linked with power.
Our teeth are the fences which protect our inner world from the outer world. When white and perfectly arranged, just like a white picket fence, they create a beautiful and appropriate boundary. In some cultures teeth are not supposed to be shown. Animals show their teeth when they feel threatened to intimidate.

In German we have this expression," she has hair on her teeth" It refers to mostly women who are sharp tongued. In China a mole with hair growing out of it, is a sign of good luck. Therefore, Chinese people are often discouraged from pulling out the hairs that grow on moles. This tooth has a mole with hair growing from it.
5 x 5 x 7", Wood filler cast, horse hair. 2007

Tooth Vest
The area of the body which this vest exposes feels like the most vulnerable but also the most powerful spot on the body. The mouth of the subconscious. It has to be open for communication but also guarded from any oncoming danger.
Fabric, polyester filling, foam, spackling-puddy, metal hardware. 16 x 12 x 13" 2001

Tooth Belt
A belt to keep anything unknown at a safe distance.
Fabric, polyester filling, foam, spackling-puddy, metal hardware. 16 x 12 x 13" 2001

Trying very hard
Wall sculpture, 2003
Fabric, polyester filling, dentures, thread.
6.7 x 7.9 x 3.9"

Wall sculpture, 2011
She is they quiet type. Defecating little gold turds, she is otherwise completely withdrawn. Her long hair is beautiful.
Her foot is injured, but neatly bandaged. My great-grandmother's name was Elsa.
Fabric, polyester filling, plastic, human hair,
75 x 17 x 8"

Wall sculpture, 2011
She is they quiet type. Defecating little gold turds, she is otherwise completely withdrawn. Her long hair is beautiful.
Her foot is injured, but neatly bandaged. My great-grandmother's name was Elsa.
Fabric, polyester filling, plastic, human hair,
75 x 17 x 8"

Wall sculpture, 2011
She is they quiet type. Defecating little gold turds, she is otherwise completely withdrawn. Her long hair is beautiful.
Her foot is injured, but neatly bandaged. My great-grandmother's name was Elsa.
Fabric, polyester filling, plastic, human hair,
75 x 17 x 8"

She doesn't withhold anything. Just blurt it all out. Te glass dome protects us from any disagreeable experiences.
Fabric, polyester filling, human hair, Plastic, glass, gold thread, silver. 12 x 8 x 8" 2010

Explosion in a tight space
Fabric, goat hide, polyester filling, glass, brass wire. 3 x 2 x 2" 2004

Hanging sculpture, 2002
Fabric, polyester filling, latex, goat fur, glass, thread.
6 x 4.7 x 2.8"

Welten (Worlds)
Sculpture, 2009
Intercourse between two entirely different beings.
3 x 3 x 4.7"

Hanging sculpture, 2002
Fabric, goat hair, nylon tights, polyester filling, sterling silver, latex.
4.7 x 3.9 x 4.7"

Packed Mountain
Pencil and gouache on paper, 2005
5 x 7"

Pencil and colored pencil on paper, 2004
5 x 7"

Hollow Mountain
Pencil and gouache on paper, 2004
9 x 12"

Inside Coming out
Pencil and gouache on paper, 2004
7 x 5.4"

Pencil and gouache on paper, 2003
6 x 9"

Fenced In
Pencil and gouache on paper, 2004
9 x 12"

Points of Reference
Pencil and gouache on paper, 2004
6,7 x 8.7"

My Monsters got the better of me
Pencil and gouache on paper, 2006
9 x 12"

Pencil and gouache on paper, 2009
9 x 12"