If one was to paint a picture of the circle of life to walk through, it would start with upwards growing forest eggs, then there would be incidents of life tension and at the end the ultimate relaxation in death. A circle repeating itself again and again.

Fluid Entrance
Fluid Installation that I created specifically for the Drawing Center in NYC in 2002. The ceramic cylinders were created during an art residency at the Kohler factory in Wisconsin.
The whole installation started out with a series of drawings that I created for the drawing center.

This moment in the installation represents death, the ultimate moment of relaxation.

Bleeding Fingers
In art it is often through pain that beauty can arise.

Flower Liquid
The flower liquid is the life juice which runs through the whole installation. It grows up from the eggs in the beginning (rear part of installation), runs through the ceiling and finally flows down into this finger bunch here in the final moment of death, to splatter down on the ground and merge with the universe.

Entrance street view
Here you can see how the exhibition flows out into the street merging with the lives of all passers by.

The flowersplash is violent and beautiful!

Blood that turns into flowers. Pain that turns into beauty!

Flowersplash with Life Cramp in the background.
In this picture one can see the colorful final moment, when all aspects of a life are coming to the surface. In the background there is one illustration of a difficult life situation.

Life Cramp
An illustration of a difficult moment in life.

Two Silent Sisters
These two creatures are tongue tied. They can’t express themselves in the situation they are in.

Soft Clamp
The clamp which squeezes their tongues is hard and powerful, but it also features a luxurious red velvet cushioning.

These ceramic plant eggs are the beginning of the whole life cycle.

Fluid growing upwards
The life fluid which grows out of these plant eggs consists of a white veil, leaves and flowers.

Melting into the infinite
In the background the eggs continue into the wall through a trompe-l'œil effect painted onto the back wall.

Into the distance
Trompe-l'œil effect painted onto the back wall.

trompe-l'œil effect painted onto the back wall.

Big Finger of Authority
This gigantic finger represents a figure of authority. But in this moment its power is melting into the ground.