When something startles us and we snap out of our stream of thinking, it feels like all thoughts just fly away like pigeons in the park. The force of the moment crushes our mental constructs and we have to succumb to the moment. From the shock, all the heads pop open and thought banners are escaping. The thoughts are in German and English.
Materials: acryl-gouache on paper, 4 x 11.5ft, framed.

Close-up view of painting depicting a moment of shock in which all thoughts just fly away.
Acryl-gouache on paper,
4 x 11.5ft, framed. 2008

View of entire painting depicting a moment of shock in which all thoughts just fly away.
Acryl-gouache on paper,
4 x 11.5ft, framed. 2008

View: Displayed at Antje Wachs Gallery in Berlin in 2008 during the show: Lärm im Kopf (Noise in my Head)
Acryl-gouache on paper, 4 x 11.5ft, framed. 2008

Apocalypse Sketch
Initial sketch of the idea, 2008

This is the largest painting I have ever taken on!
View of work in progress in my studio in Gowanus in 2008

For some odd reason that spot on the thumb gave me such troubles. It was the same spot that was inflamed on my own thumb due to the heavy work I do some times.
In my studio in Gowanus in 2008

To get the realistic look I squashed some rubber heads with some clamps!
In my studio in Gowanus in 2008

I learned the painting of letters during the boring history classes in high school when I spent all of class time painting beautiful lettering of each subject but never listening to the teacher.